Samson’s Story
Jacob Hernandez Jacob Hernandez

Samson’s Story

While many water down Samson’s story to his encounter with Delilah, there is more to Samson than what meets the eye. When one considers his entire life journey, his romantic episodes, and the miracle of his strength, one begins to see the bigger picture, which reveals the actual cause of his downfall.

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Jacob Hernandez Jacob Hernandez


The prophet Elijah finds himself in the land of Beersheba after a miraculous episode on the mountain. He is afraid, running for his life from the queen, and even prays for God to take his life! It is through his desperation and depression that many of us can see ourselves in this man of God, in a rather relatable passage in the book of 1 Kings. This is a “must-watch” for those who have had a great past but have since fallen off.

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Heaven Called My Name
Jacob Hernandez Jacob Hernandez

Heaven Called My Name

It’s humbling to think that we may be the subject of a conversation between God and the enemy. In the case of Job, it is God himself who puts forth Job’s name when he asks, “have you considered my servant, Job?” This triggers a series of events that would forever change Job’s life. His response to the calling of his name is one of the reasons the Bible calls him the greatest man in all of the east.

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Professional Suicide
Jacob Hernandez Jacob Hernandez

Professional Suicide

“Professional Suicide” doesn’t just mean to go kill yourself— it means to go and kill your flesh!

Why call it ‘professional’? Because it is our job as Christians, to carry our cross and follow the walk of Jesus, all the way to the death of our past selves…

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